Thursday, December 19, 2013

Islamic and Byzantine Culture

Islamic and Byzantine Religious leaders

     The Byzantine empire and the Islamic Culture both had very interesting contrasting or comparing aspects. During the fall of Roman empire a group call the Byzantines and the Muslims either followed or created a new religion. The Byzantines followed the Jewish religion, Christianity, and they look at Jesus as he is the superior one. The Muslims followed the religion of Islam and their leader Allah. One of the most interesting ones is that the Islamic Culture and the Byzantine Empire both are very religious and look very highly upon their leaders.

Primary Source 1:             And be conscious of the Day on which you shall be
brought back unto God,whereupon every
human being shall be repaid in full for what he
 has earned, and none shall be wronged;

Paraphrase 1:  According to The Message of THE QU’RAN translated by Muhammad Asad, when one dies they will be brought back into heaven and meet God, also know as Allah. Everyone will receive the afterlife that they deserve. No afterlife will be wrong because Allah is the greatest and makes no mistakes.

Primary Source 2:

Paraphrase 2: According to the website: Introducing Islam, the engraving of a man with a ring around it resembles that Jesus is the king of all kings in the Byzantine Orthodox Church. The cross with all the buildings around it resembles the close relationship that Jesus has with the Byzantine state.

First Body Paragraph: Allah is the superior leader of the Islamic religion and is looked up to as the father of the religion
a. Allah makes no mistake, everything he does is perfect
b. Everyone gets to meet the superior God when they die
People that believed in Islam will meet Allah when they die because all believers' souls meet Allah when they die

Second Body Paragraph: Jesus protects the Byzantine empire and knows everything that happens in the states.
a. Jesus is the king of all kings
b. The relationship between the state and Jesus himself is a tight bond

Asad, Muhammad. "Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance - Vision of Qur'an." Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance - Home. Web. 16 Dec 2013. <>.

Marshal, Hodgson. "Introducing Islam." - Additional Material. Introducing Islam, 2013. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. <>.

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