Thursday, December 19, 2013

                                                    Byzantine Silver Plate (629-630 A.D)

                                                         Islamic Conquest Art (651 A.D)

  • ·      Both these pieces of art found from both the Byzantine and Islamic cultures from the 600s tell stories within themselves. They both tell stories relating to religion and heritage. Both these significant pieces of art have much to tell within the everyday life of these empires then and now.

o   The piece of art from the Byzantine Empire is a silver plate; it is showing a significant scene with King David from the Old Testament. It is showing him in battle as well as him being honored. This piece of art shows the religious beliefs of the Byzantine people. Most of the people believed in Christianity and this were the reasons this plate was very important to the Byzantine culture.

o   The piece of art from the Early Islamic Empire is a painting; it is a painting of the prophet of Muhammad and his heavenly journey to the immediate presence of God. This painting reveals the Muslim culture very well. It shows a family watching from below and it shows how their religion makes affects on their everyday lives. The interesting part to this painting is that Muhammad’s face is revealed, and in most Muslim paintings Muhammad is wearing a veil to cover his face. This painting reveals how the Muslim culture and religion works and what the people of the Islamic empire thought of their culture and religion.

  • ·      Both the Byzantine silver plate and the Islamic painting both show their different cultures and religions. The Byzantine silver plate shows how Christianity played a major roll in their lives. In the Islamic painting it showed how the Muslim culture and the Muslim religion played a major roll in their lives as well. All together religion and culture were major themes in each piece of art and they also showed how the basic life styles were in both empires.

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