Friday, May 16, 2014

Absolute Monarchs By: James Webster

Louis XIV of France (Ruled from 1643 – 1715)

Louis XIV of France is a very good example of an Absolute Monarch. He was announced King at the young age of three and was the Monarch of the House of Bourbon and he was the King of France. Things that make Louis XIV an Absolute Monarch is the way that he lead his people and did things the way that he wanted them done. He created a centralized state governed from the capital and this is a major aspect of him being a Absolute Monarch. His power reigned in The country of France for a little over 72 years. This was the longest time being a Monarch than any other rulers in the European countries. Overall the power that Louis XIV had on France during the 72 years that he lead gave him the title of being a Absolute Monarch.

Ivan IV of Russia (Ruled from 1547 – 1584)

       Ivan IV of Russia is another great example of an Absolute Monarch. He was commonly referred to as Ivan the Terrible because of the way that he ruled. He ruled about 1,562,500 sq. miles and he very good at conquering land.  He was a very powerful man and and the way he ruled changed Russia completely. He was so powerful that he changed Russia from its medieval state to a very sustainable empire. Along with that he also changed all of the Russia's into being made up of multiple ethnic groups with different religious beliefs. This is what makes Ivan IV of Russia a very good example of an Absolute Monarch. If he were to lose the land and the people that he lead then he would no longer be a Absolute Monarch because he would not do the things that make him a Absolute Monarch.

 Philip II of Spain (Ruled from 1556 – 1598)       

       Phillip II of Spain is another fine example of An Absolute Monarch. He showed great power through the many countries and places that he showed importance in. He was not only a Monarch to Spain but was also a leader to England, Sicily, Naples, and he was also Duke of Milan. Philip II is known for the huge naval expedition called the spanish armada. He was also lord of the seven provinces of the Netherlands. During the time that Philip II ruled there were many bankruptcies in the major places that Philip II. By this all happening if thing had not been fixed then his aspect of being a Absolute Monarch could have been ruined.

Henry VIII of England (Ruled from 1509 – 1547)

Henry VIII was king of England and later pronounced as Lord and Kingship of Ireland. Henry VIII portrays what it means to be an Absolute Monarch by the things he did in England that set him aside from most of the other people. He split up and separated the Church of England from the Pope and he separated the Roman Catholic Church as well. He later named himself as the Supreme Head of the Church and he caused the Dissolution of the monasteries. He also made and changed many laws in England to satisfy what he wanted. If he had not been in rule of all that he was than he would not had been under the category of being an Absolute leader.

Emperor Zhu Di of China (Ruled from 1402 – 1424)

Emperor Zhu DI was first established as the prince of Yan. He was later made the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was a very important leader and the things he did in the Ming Dynasty caused him to be an Absolute Monarch. He constructed buildings such as the Porcelain tower of Nanjing and he also opened the canal up. He had began work on the Forbidden City. He expanded the imperial examination system like what his father had started. All these aspects of what made Zhu Di an Absolute Monarch are very centered to him. If theses things hadn't have happened then he would not have been called an Absolute Monarch.

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