Friday, September 20, 2013

Does Alexander Deserve to be called "Great"?

Alexander the Great

Do all leaders deserve to be called great? In some ways leaders do deserve to be called great, but others don't. In the dictionary, great is defined as being such in an extreme or notable degree. One leader stands out for this word. Alexander the Great deserves his title because he  conquered more and more land, and the spread of Hellenistic culture in many countries.

Alexander the Great had been crowned king of Macedon at twenty after his father, Philip II, had been murdered by his old guardsmen.(Beck 143) Alexander had conquered a great deal land, when he had arrived at Egypt they had named Alexander a pharaoh and a liberator. He also founded the city of Alexandria located in Egypt which still stands. Similar to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who had a vision to get the country out of the depression. Alexander was able to inspire and encourage his men, but also accomplished the impossible task of conquering Persia. Genghis Kahn was emperor of the Mongol Empire, just like Alexander he had conquered numerous different lands, and he also was called Great Kahn. The major effect on the “Great” part of Alexander’s name was given by the Romans. Alexander was liked by the Romans; his success set an example to all the Romans. The Romans saw him conquering all the land and defeating the powerful Persian army that was a sign of greatness for him. Therefore, he got the name, Alexander the Great, which he deserves for all his many accomplishments he has made.

The spreading of Hellenistic and Greek culture was another example of Alexander’s greatness. The form of culture was based off of the Hellenism, which some people still argue today that this was Alexander’s legacy. The center of the Hellenistic culture was in Alexandria, Egypt. Trade and culture was based off of the city Alexandria. Hellenistic states were ruled by kings, complete opposite of the Greek city-states by them being governed by their people.  This Hellenistic culture mixed with the Egyptians, Persian, and Indian influence.(Beck 146) Hellenism was important to the daily life of Greeks.   

Alexander the Great deserves his title after all by all the major impacts he has made throughout Greece.He was a great ruler and very inspiring person. He has influenced many rulers, by the centuries, all around the world. The world has been impacted by all rulers effects. 

 Works Cited
 Alexander the Great. Wikipedia, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.
Beck, Roger B. World History Patterns of Interaction. Orlando: Holt McDougal, n.d. Print. Vol. 1 of World History Patterns of Interaction. 1 vols.
"Great." Merriam Webster. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Merriam Webster Dictionary. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.
 Hellenistic Greece. History, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.
 How was Alexander Great. Utexas, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.


  1. Good explanation on Hellenistic culture and Greek culture! Try not to use the word "much" and "more" so often to make your argument stronger. Also, i like the use of the definition of great in the introduction!

  2. Try to quote the "QUOTE".Try to go more in detail about the people that relate to Alexander the Great(specifically what they did).

  3. other than that it is good

  4. This argument is really clear and organized and I think you did a great job of getting your ideas across. All your points are supported but I don't know how to do citations so just make sure that your citations are correct. Maybe add pictures. Reaaally good

  5. You explained Greek and Hellenistic culture very well. You stated very clear that he should be called great.

  6. I liked how to started off your first paragraph with a question. good job javni!

  7. You had a really clear argument that answered the question well. I noticed a few sentence fragments, but those should be easy to fix. You made great relations to other successful leaders which helped support your argument. Great job!
