Friday, September 20, 2013

Does Alexander deserve to be called “Great”?

     Did "Alexander the Great" deserved to be called "great"?The society that lived in Philip II/ Alexander period thought that he deserved to be called "Alexander the Great". I believe that he did deserve to be called "Great" ,because he was a young military genius. He conquered many cities with power and courage. "Alexander the Great" shows how he deserved to be called "great" from conquering land and inventing new weapons to overcome his enemies.

     Even though he was young, age 20 when he became king, he accomplished many things like conquering Persia,one of the strongest cities in his time. He invented new weapons that he could have an advantage over his enemies.His first conquer was the Greek Empire and this is when everyone started to call him "great". He conquered Persia twice that is why he was called the "Great Persian Empire"."Alexander the Great" had many inventions like the siege tower which helped him and his army destroy the walls of Tyre and pass over.He invented the He also invented the Torsion catapult which would break the walls of a city. "Alexander the Great", used the Torsion catapult to break down the walls of Tyre and defeat them.The inventions would help him overcome his enemies that is why he is "great".

     Even though Alexander was great,he had a father, Philip II, that was king and had accomplished many things like the beginning of conquering the Greek Empire. People say that Alexander's "Greatness" really was just his fathers. Philip II was also great because he conquered many lands.Mahatma Gandhi was "great" just like Alexander.He believed in nonviolent and peaceful protests.Mahatma Gandhi was like "Alexander the Great" because he lead India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. 
     "Alexander the Great" deserved to be called great because he did many things like inventing new inventions and taking over cities and lands during his time.He was the best leader during his time and he inspired many people.He has influenced many leaders to be as "great" as him.

Ghoshal, Bobby. N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>.

Eugene , B.. N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>.

Vinay, L., and L. Vinay. N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>.


  1. The argument for saying Alexander the Great is great is clear. I liked how you compared him to Mahatma Gandhi. I enjoyed reading about the new weapons he invented which helped make him great.

  2. First sentence of the introduction needs to be reworded, but the rest of the introduction is good. Extra information on it is good. Citations need to be in work cited.

  3. The argument is clear because you state why he deserves to be called great and support it with the information from the website. It is organized by his accomplishments. Yes, the citations are formatted correctly. I do not think that there is anything wrong. You explained everything well.

  4. I think that you justified your argument very well and I liked your word choice. Overall I think this was a really good blog post and is well supported.

  5. Your argument gets straight to the point and is fairly clear. Some of the word choice is very awkward. Try to lengthen some of your paragraphs by either adding some detail or combining the two so its not just a sentence. I like the example of Gandhi and how it relates to Alexander the Great.

  6. Good examples of how he is great
    No thesis, intro is kinda awkward

  7. You had a very clear argument. You used lots of good details to back everything up. You might want to expand upon everything a little more and your citations should be in MLA form, but otherwise, you sounded great!
