Friday, May 16, 2014

Alex Baugh - Absolute Monarchs

     The theory of Absolutism has been around since the earliest recorded leaderships. Almost every civilization at one time was ruled by someone who had total power. Whether that power was used to benefit or hurt that civilization depends on the ruler and how they chose to rule. While some rulers when given absolute power would, and did abuse this power, others used it to help their people. Complete power held by a single monarch can lead to negative results, however when given to the right leader, power can lead to tremendous growth and efficiency within a civilization. 

     Some rulers when given power choose to use it for growth. Frederick William I, for example, came into power in Prussia and used his leadership to change the country's image. Frederick William was born in 1688 and took the throne of Prussia after his father died in 1713. After taking complete power becoming the sole monarch of Prussia, he focused on the military aspect of his country. He made his one and only goal to find suitable soldiers from all around the world to expand his army. One in every nine men in Prussia were in the army. Frederick commanded extreme discipline from his soldiers. In creating this discipline, Frederick found only the highest quality commanders to lead his armies. Frederick also tried to improve the quality of life for his citizens in Prussia. He freed the serfs and replaced the previous war service tax with a yearly tax. When Frederick died in 1740, he left his country with the third largest army and most disciplined army of the time.

     The ruler Peter I, or 'Peter the Great', of Russia was proclaimed Tsar at the age of ten. His rule was focused on expansion and trade. After his victory in war against Sweden he established trade along the Baltic sea. Peter opened up to the west and let in many influences, helping to modernize Russia.This led to an increase in the arts and education in Russia. While Peter did help his country become more modernized, he also could be a cruel leader. When revolts were led against him, he responded by putting them down and conducting mass executions. These acts of cruelty were some of the misuses of power that were inevitable in an absolute monarchy.

     The French ruler Louis XIV was a man who used his power as monarch to create a cultural dominance over the rest of Europe. Louis helped catapult French culture forward through arts, literature, and science. He also expanded other cultural aspects such as manufacturing, technology/engineering, and academics. Louis, the self proclaimed 'Sun King', used loyalty and religion to gain the favor of his people. By using religion, however, Louis XIV caused the decline of his greatly established reign. Louis wanted to create religious uniformity throughout France. In trying to create this, he would not allow protestants to practice their religion. He forced protestants to convert and those who did not were killed. This is another example of the misuse of power caused by an excessive amount of power with one man.
     Ferdinand II of Spain is another ruler who had absolute power over his people. Ferdinand used this power for the expansion of Spain. Ferdinand was the leader of Spain that funded Christopher Columbus' voyage to the America's. This decision was made in order to help strengthen Spain's economy, allowing commercial shipping overseas. Ferdinand also used his religious beliefs to expand Spain. When Ferdinand took power in 1479, Muslims occupied much of the Iberian Peninsula. Ferdinand was driven by his strong Christian faith to spur a 10-year struggle to force the Muslims out and take the land for Spain. This is an example of how religion has an influence on how monarchs use their power.

      The Indian leader Akbar The Great was one of the most extraordinary rulers of India. Akbar used his power to increase cultural growth and the expansion of his empire. Akbar influenced the growth of architecture, art, and literature. Akbar was an absolute monarch who used his power to benefit his people and improve his country.

     The effects of an absolute monarchy have the potential to be extremely beneficial to the country. However, "With great power comes great responsibility." And when given absolute power, there is a possibility that someone would misuse that power. Examples of great leaders in history used the power that they had to benefit the country. But what leads to the downfall of an absolute monarchy is the abuse of complete power.

Works Cited:

"Akbar The Great." Akbar. N.p., n.d. Web. May 2014.

 "Biography of Frederick William I the Soldier King of Prussia (1657-1713)." Biography of Frederick William I the Soldier King of Prussia (1657-1713). N.p., n.d. Web. May 2014.

"Creating French CultureThe Rise and Fall of the Absolute Monarchy." The Rise and Fall of the Absolute Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. May 2014.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Frederick William I (king of Prussia)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. May 2014.

"Ferdinand and Isabella." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. May 2014.

"Frederick William IV, King of Prussia." Frederick William IV, King of Prussia. N.p., n.d. Web. May 2014.

"Peter the Great." Peter the Great. N.p., n.d. Web. May 2014.

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