Friday, September 20, 2013

Does Alexander The Great Deserve To Be Called Great?

Alexander the Great was great for many reasons. He was called great because the Romans called him great after his death. His father, Philip the II was a strong, dependable war leader and his son, Alexander had to take over his father’s army. When Alexander took over, he defeated the Persians which was a huge accomplishment. After Alexander defeated the Persians, he was named the King of Asia. One of Alexander the Great’s accomplishments was changing the horse of Bucephalus. One of the main reasons that Alexander the Great was so “great” was because he was trained by one of the greatest, Aristotle. Aristotle was a master of philosophy. Ramses II, also known as “Ramses The Great” was great for some of the same reasons that Alexander was called great. He was known as one of Egypt’s greatest warriors.  Many of the reasons that Alexander, was later called “great", is because what his father set up for him. Alexander definitely deserves to be called great because of all these reasons. Below is a statue of Alexander the Great that is still shown today.

Arab, D. S. M.. N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013. <>.
LiveScience Staff, . N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013.


  1. You state that he is great and explains it well. Your citations are correct.

  2. You state that he is great and explains it well. Your citations are correct.

  3. You have good information, but you may need some more to make a bigger point about his greatness.

  4. You have good information, but you may need some more to make a bigger point about his greatness.

  5. Your argument is well supported just expand on it more.

  6. You have good detail and information, but some things you should explain a little more. The argument is straight forward and states all your main ideas.

  7. There are some grammatical issues that need to be fixed and try to support your information with more detail,but other than that, it is a job well done.

  8. I liked you relation to Ramses II, it helped clarify your argument. You might want to consider adding a few more examples, and there are a couple little grammatical errors, but otherwise, you have a strong argument!
