Friday, September 20, 2013

What can one learn about the values of society based on their views of greatness?

One is able to learn a lot about a society based on what they view as great. there is proof from recent times and from ancient times on how we judge a society by what they think is great. Joseph Stalin was viewed as great by the russian people and Alexander III of Mastodon was thought to be great by the greek people.
During the Cold War Stalin was the leader of Russia, the Russian people thought his ideas and actions were great. Despite the famine and man slaughter of Russian people, Stalin remained leader of Russia until his death in 1953. This shows us how cruel the russian people were if they supported a man who killed more of his own people than Hitler killed jews ,and they kept this man as leader until he died.

Similarly, Alexander was the leader of Greece. Alexander had conquered a large sum of the known world in only 13 years, stretching from Egypt all the way to India. When he conquered this land he brought with him the lifestyles of ancient Greece. The Greek culture was mixed with all of the different cultures that were conquered by Alexander. To help show the unity of the cultures Alexander married a persian woman. When Alexander died in June of 323 B.C. all of the land that was overthrown by Alexander did not go back to their old cultures without greek influence. This shows how highly the people thought of Alexander 
and his culture.


Work Cited
Unteraker, J.. N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013.


  1. Capitalize nationalities
    good job relating stalin, alexander, and hitler to reinforce your argument

  2. This was really, really good, I liked how you used Stalin, I didn't even think about him! I would only suggest elaborating more on how society affected these views. Citations are fine!

  3. I really like your relations to past leaders, they make your argument more clear. You might want to separate your citations so you can tell which is which, and there are a couple sentence fragments that should be easy to fix. Otherwise, I think you have a good argument.

  4. Your comparison was really interesting, however in the second paragraph, you are stating facts and I think you need to explain a little more how it ties to your topic. also you may want to introduce Alexander and Stalin more formally (full name, position etc.) i think that would help the flow of your argument.

  5. I liked your relation to stalin that really showed a different type of leader. good use of citations and using those old leaders made your argument clearer for me. good work!
