Friday, September 20, 2013

Question 2 : James Webster

Well, Alexander the Great was called “great” by the Romans. This means the Romans believed in similar principles as Alexander did. The Romans used similar military tactics as Alexander did like the long poles and the shields "Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; the last, the least, the littlest." This is a quote by Cardinal Roger Mahony in 1998. Civilizations can take and learn all the things that a person of greatness can provide. Civilizations and empires after Alexander the great have used his greatness for ideas in their own civilizations. The romans used things that Alexander the Great came up with. The romans called alexander great because of what he accomplished. Society related upon greatness has many things to do with life today. The way a society looks at greatness within people is determined on what the person did.

Mills, Billy. N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013. <>.
Trueman, C.. N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013. <>.
Claudia , F.. N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013.


  1. Be more specific with everything after the quote.

  2. Good citations; I would just suggest elaborating more on your ideas, maybe use more examples!

  3. You did a good job explaining how people get the name "Great", but you need to use more examples and elaborate on your idea more.

  4. The argument isn't really clear, but you can fix that by making it more organized. Don't forget to make each point supported. Don't forget to use citations! Make the most more interesting by expanding your ideas and thoughts.Great start though.

  5. You got your point across on why you think he was great and that was good. I liked how you said how you think the romans felt about Alexander the great. Try and elaborate and include more than one or two examples. Good example!

  6. You should be more specific with how your quote ties into your argument, also make sure that people know what your argument is. Finally, grammar and punctuation!

  7. I like your quote, it helps clarify your argument. I think you could expand upon your ideas more, and give some examples to support your argument. You have a good start though!

  8. I understand what your saying but be more specific with your quote.

  9. I liked how you connected Alexander to the Romans. Maybe if you started out with a stronger argument your argument would be clearer. But awesome quote! But elaborate on it a little more.
